PROJECT: Hagley Community College
CLIENT: Ministry of Education
BUSINESS UNIT: Asbestos Removal, Demolition & Civil
Scope were engaged by the MoE to undertake the first stage of asbestos removal, demolition and site works at Hagley Community College to enable the re-development of the school. The project included the demolition of 6 CEBUS buildings, two dwellings, several garages and a glass house and the former school theatre building. Considerable amounts of asbestos in varying forms was present throughout most of the buildings, including a large area of contaminated land beneath 3 of the buildings that required remediation to enable construction of the footings. Careful planning and sequencing were critical for the successful completion of the project, particularly as the school remained operational throughout. Another successful project delivered to a high standard within budget expectations, despite the COVID lockdown. There are several more stages to this project planned over the next few years.